Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Happy Summer!

Do NOT get between a chicken and a watermelon rind, I'll tell you what!


  1. Had to chase some stray dogs away from the chickens this morning. They were happily eating from my backyard smorgasbord when the dogs interrupted them.

  2. After reading some of your posts I gave the hens next door a couple of ears of corn. They made quick work of them. I was going to give them the tops of some strawberries I'd hulled but wasn't sure about berry scraps and I don't do compost (yet).

  3. Hens can definitely eat strawberry tops! I don't give mine citrus, or anything stringy (like carrot tops) without cutting them up into smaller pieces.

    Yeah, dogs + chickens don't mix! Chickens are usually big enough that cats won't bother them, though.
