Today was a much better day for the ladies. All day in the coop. They even stopped their incessant activity long enough to take a nap outside at one point: Lady M, Babette and Coco in one shady corner, Miss Buttons alone in a sunny corner. Something for every hen.
I distinctly heard some sounds that were something of a peep-cluck hybrid, so my little girls really are growing up, and have the changing voices to prove it (not something one normally associates with girls). Coco and Lady M both briefly flew up to the entrance of the hen house, which doesn't have its ramp yet. So they know it's about time. Chickens may not be the smartest creatures (especially Miss Buttons, who will be the last to catch on, I'm sure), but they know things.
We brought them in when we noticed they'd all been squashed together on one end of the roost for a while. (The roost is about 6 feet long, so it's not like they didn't have space to spread out.) Ladies were clearly ready for bed. But not before they had a fun bedtime treat!
If you have never fed pieces of spaghetti to a small flock of chickens, you do not know what fun is. Not only would you think these chickens had not been fed in days--days!--but they were just so excited to get a hold of one of the wiggly bits that they were practically climbing all over each other to claim theirs, then keep it to themselves. Good times!
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