Monday, April 19, 2010


That’s what yesterday was for the ladies, as they got to spend most of the day outside. As I painted the inside of the hen house, it was quite entertaining to listen to their constant peeping. I can’t wait to have them as companions while I garden.

Every once in a while, all four would suddenly go silent. I’d poke my head out to find them all watching a flying insect with laserlike focus. Or, I would realize that a plane or a goose was flying by overhead. It’s a whole big, wide, world out there, ladies. Not that you’ll get to see most of it.

All that fresh air and exercise tired the wee chickens out. Within a few minutes of moving them back indoors, they were snuggled down in their pine shavings and closing their eyes. “Turn off the lights on your way out, will you” Lady M said. OK, not really.

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